16  resources

LumX - LumApps Framework, Framework Angular, Angular UI Kits
LumX is a front-end framework based on Google Material Design, LumX will help you to design...
Angular UI Grid provides a data grid for AngularJS; part of the AngularUI suite. Native AngularJS...
UI Bootstrap UI Frameworks
UI Bootstrap (Angular) native directives for Bootstrap. Small footprint (5kB gzipped!), no 3rd...
ngx-foundation UI Frameworks
ngx-foundation is simplified code with clear examples and a starter project to get your components...
semantic-ui for angular UI Frameworks
Angular. Contribute to Angular Development. Semantic UI angular bindings are still in development,...
Angular Powered Bootstrap
Angular widgets built from the ground up using only Bootstrap 4 CSS with APIs designed for the...
Ngx-Bootstrap - Angular Bootstrap, UI Frameworks, Angular Frameworks
Ngx-Bootstrap Angular Bootstrap has given a package for an open-source tool that contains all core...
Angular - Material Design Lite
Angular Material Design Lite (angular-mdl/core); Angular components for Material Design Lite;...
Angular Material UI Component Library
UI component infrastructure and Material Design components for mobile and desktop Angular web...
Lightning Design System for Angular, Frameworks UI
Native Angular components and directives for Lightning Design System: accordion, alert, avatar,...
Angular UI library, NG-ZORRO - Ant Design of Angular
An enterprise-class UI design language and Angular-based implementation with a set of high-quality...
Truly UI - Web Components for Desktop Applications
TrulyUI is an Angular UI Framework especially developed for Desktop Applications based on Web...
Angular Components Library - Syncfusion
The Syncfusion Angular UI components library is the only suite that you will ever need to build an...
Kendo UI for Angular UI Framework
The Kendo UI for Angular Grid (Datatable) includes a comprehensive set of ready-to-use features...
PrimeNG - Angular UI Component Library, UI Frameworks, Angular Library, Angular Components
PrimeNG is developed by PrimeTek Informatics, the world-renowned vendor with years of expertise in...
Teradata Covalent - Angular Material Design
Covalent is a reusable UI platform from Teradata for building web applications with common...

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