12  resources

Angular Training and Tutorials - Lynda.com
Whether you’re an Angular developer, designer, business owner, student, or web developer...
The One Place to Learn and Keep Up With the Angular Ecosystem. Each E-Book drills down into one...
Build your first Angular app Scrimba
Build your first Angular app By learning Angular you’ll greatly increase your chances of...
Learn Angular 2 Free Course - Coursetro
Learn Angular 2 Development with our Free Course, Components, Templating, Routing &...
Top Angular Courses - Coursera
Angular courses from top universities and industry leaders. Learn Angular online with courses like...
Front End Frameworks - Udacity Free Courses
Learn how to build Single Page Applications in various Front End Frameworks! In this course,...
Free Angular Tutorials - Coursesity
Learn Angular with free online courses and tutorials. Find free Angular tutorials and courses and...
A Better Way to Learn Angular, Angular Free Courses
The best place on the web for tutorials and screencasts covering the best tools, web developers...
Free Angular Courses By Udemy Angular Free Courses
Learn Angular from top-rated instructors. Find the best Free Angular courses for the most...
Angular By CodeCraft Angular Free Courses
This courses teaches you Angular v2+ from scratch, you don’t need to know AngularJS 1.x. The...
Learn Angular By Bitovi Angular Free Courses
Learn how to build a moderately complex application with Angular. These Angular docs help you learn...
Angular Tour of Heroes! Angular Free Courses
You build your own app from the ground up, providing experience with the typical development...

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