Virgin Galactic


Virgin Galactic is a spaceflight tourism company that has been pioneering the development of commercial space travel. It is owned by the Virgin Group, founded by British entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson, and is headquartered in Mojave, California. The company’s mission is to make space accessible to everyone by providing an affordable, safe and unique experience.

In December 2009 and has since gone through a series of successful test flights. Its first passengers, including Branson, are expected to fly into space sometime in 2021. The company has also developed its own LauncherOne rocket, which is designed to launch small satellites into space at a fraction of the cost of existing launches.

The company is also looking to expand into other areas, such as satellite launches and private astronaut flights. If successful, Virgin Galactic could revolutionize the space industry, making space travel and exploration available to many more people than ever before.




United States of America (USA)

Virgin Galactic - Spaceflight Tourism Company

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