14  resources

Skyroot Aerospace - Private Indian Aerospace Company
Skyroot Aerospace is an Indian aerospace company that specializes in developing and manufacturing...
Rocket Lab - The Private Aerospace Company
Rocket Lab is a private aerospace company based in Long Beach, California and New Zealand. Founded...
Astra - American Spaceflight Company
Astra Space is a private aerospace company based in Alameda, California that provides launch...
Orbex Space Agency - Orbital Launch Services for Small Satellites
Orbex is a private space launch company based in Scotland, UK. Founded in 2015, Orbex is developing...
European Space Agency - Intergovernmental for Space Exploration
The European Space Agency (ESA) is an intergovernmental organization of 22 member states dedicated...
CNSA - China National Space Administration
The China National Space Administration (CNSA) is the national space agency of the People’s...
United Launch Alliance - American Spacecraft Launch Service Provider
United Launch Alliance (ULA) is a joint venture of two aerospace giants, Boeing and Lockheed...
Roscosmos - United Rocket and Space Corporation, a Government Corporation
Roscosmos is the federal space agency of the Russian Federation, responsible for the nation’s...
ISRO - A National Space Agency of India
ISRO stands for Indian Space Research Organisation. It is an independent space agency of the...
Blue Origin - Aerospace Manufacturer & Sub-Orbital Spaceflight Services Company
Blue Origin is an American aerospace manufacturer and spaceflight services company established in...
NASA - Space Agency Pioneering the Future in Space Exploration
NASA is the world’s leading space exploration agency, responsible for pioneering the future...
Virgin Galactic - Spaceflight Tourism Company
Virgin Galactic is a spaceflight tourism company that has been pioneering the development of...
Boeing - Space Security and Defense Company
The Boeing Space Agency (BSA) is a proposed private venture that would be a subsidiary of The...
SpaceX - World's Best Space Agency
SpaceX is an American aerospace manufacturer and space transportation services company founded in...

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